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Thoughts From the College Football Word: Week One

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Today is a stupid Wednesday and we’re gonna have the new Outsider recorded tomorrow.  We play Utah in three days.  Saving my thoughts on that for the podcast.  What did I take away from last weekend’s opening season of college football games?  Nothing conclusive.  I was surprised at the shootout between Auburn and the mighty football factory known as Utah State.  I was laughing when NBC gave up showing the end of the Notre Dame vs Southern Florida debacle.  I liked how red Brian Kelly turned while screaming at his own players in the hell storm that Touchdown Jesus sent.
Weather really sucks outside Southern California.  I’m glad I live here.
And who knew LSU was that good with their back ups?  I hear most of the LSU starters won’t return to the team anyway since they were recently offered lucrative UFC contracts.
I guess the Oregon Ducks lost more guys than I thought.  Their cheerleaders still looked great.  I would like a show dedicated to me and those delightful young women time traveling across the galaxy solving crimes and/or mysteries of science.
Question of the week: Why wasn’t Brent Musburger involved in that Nevada IHOP shooting?  I encourage Brent to seek out potential situations like that since he is not adding anything to the world of color commentating.
The Pac 12 may be one of the shortest lived conferences ever.  With rumblings of the Sooners and some Texas teams finding their balls to play schools from the west coast on a regular basis we may see a Super 16 Conference in less than 365 days.  Change like that is fine with me.  How about you?
Watching the Terps and Canes last Sunday was cool and it was a fun match up.  By the way, I have never heard so many dudes talking about fashion on a network not called Bravo.
The donut shop near my apartment has started selling glazed donuts baked with strawberries in the middle.  That place along with a steady intake of alcohol during the average college football Saturday is usually responsible for me gaining 11 pounds by Thanksgiving.  Speaking of T-Gives, the offsite spots I choose to watch the USC-UCLA game have a tendency to close.  First it was the Grand Avenue Bar downtown thenCapital City in Hollywood.  Casey’s Bar downtown was a fine option for one year, but we went back for an early kickoff a couple seasons ago and they had not opened yet.  I am willing to hear your ideas about a good bar to watch the crosstown rivalry in should you be reading this column.  Column?  A column on a podcast site?  What am I doing, Pitts?  Am I this obsessed with the Trojans?  Maybe I should just make up some chick name and go on the message boards and douche it up with that crowd.  Those guys are the true die hards and when my buddy who shall remain last nameless “Peter” wrote on those sights as a horny chick he got so many great and positive responses I got inspired and wrote To Catch A Predator so they could possibly break a story.  But wouldn’t you know it, by the time they received my email Chris Hanson was already out getting in trouble for a discrete come sit over here moment with a hot young thing who was not his wife.
Fight on, Ric

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